Our Maryland Garden


Current Photos - Late June

We're always taking photos. They record the garden at a moment in time.

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Oxydendron Flower Closeup

Oxydendron flowers are fragrant especially at night when they first come out. They are not large so you may not even notice the flowers except when first opening up. The trees like to grow on hillsides but I've seen beautiful specimens growing on flat land.

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Asiatic Lilies

Another photo of a great lily grouping.

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Beautiful Daylily

Daylilies need plenty of sun to perform well. This daylily, though, grows and blooms very well in part shade. It is Hemerocallis "Top Honors" with seersucker-like petals.

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A Dark Red Flowered Clematis

This dark red clematis has a nice contrasting center.

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What to do with non-plant surfaces?

How to protect metal and other surfaces in the garden? Well, we decided we liked the look of rust-colored paint primer. So that's what we use on almost all non-wood surfaces. With so many different plants and leaf and flower colors, using the primer gives a cohesiveness to the garden. The primer color blends well with the burgundy-colored trees as well.

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Hosta 'Brother Stefan'

'Brother Stefan' has seersucker-like leaves with dark edges. This plant was planted last fall and already it has good growth. I'm sure it will grow to 36 inches wide and will be a beauty!

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Clematis 'Comtesse de Bouchaud'

This clematis produces masses of large - up to 6 inch wide - flowers with contrasting centers. Blooms from early to late summer.

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